
Aadhar Ashram visit
The staff and students of Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre Nashik visited the ‘Adhar Ashram’ at Gharpure ghat Nashik on 2/10/2022 under the guidance of Principal Dr. G.K.Kharate and Vice Principal Dr. V.H. Patil. The story books, toys, food packets and other educational aids were distributed among the students. The visitors participated in games, songs, dance etc with students. On this occasion Head of Civil Department Dr. Saner and engineering staff Ms. Arati Gaikwad and Ms.Shradhha Shinde were also present.
Tree Plantation Event in the Campus of Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre
As we are facing Global warming issues so our Honorable Principle Dr. Kharate Sir has planned for the tree plantation event in the campus of Matoshri College of engineering and Research Centre. In the event with the help of staff member and student we plant more than 50 trees to save our environment. We believe in that tree or plant spreads positive energy around us.
Career Guidance Lecture for Higher Secondary School Students
On 14th February 2022 on Monday at wadzire village our college students conducted career guidance lecture for higher secondary school students and some fun-loving activities for primary school students. At Shaheed Shrikant Bodke Secondary School Wadzire our students conducted guidance lecture for 10th, 9th, 8th standard students Gayatri Kale and Ankita Nandanwar conducted guidance lecture at 10th and 9th standard classes. Gayatri kale tells about how to improve concentration power and about various competitive exam after 10th and 12th and various ways to crack those exam, Ankita Nandanwar tells about various platfrom from where you can improve stage daring.
Constitution Day
The event was organized in the presence of Principal (MCOERC) Dr.G.K. Kharate sir, vice principal Dr. Varsha Patil mam, Principal (D.Ed.& B.Ed.) Mrs.sooryawanshi mam, Dr.BhangaleG. B, Dr. Ghuge.N.C, Prof Bhale,Dr. chopade, Prof S.N. Shukla and other staff members of Matoshri collage of engineering and research centre. NSS volunteer Mr. Radhakrishna Gulab Rao Bhamre started the program with the warm welcome of the Guest. Our beloved principal sir Dr. kharate G. K felicitated the guest of the honour Mr. Gangadhar Ahire sir. Principal Mrs. sooryawanshi mam shared her thoughts about Babasaheb Ambedkar. NSS volunteer Ms.Gayatri Shinde made us to swear on the oath of constitution day.NSS volunteer Ms. Ankita Nandewar introduced us to the guest of honour‘Gangadhar Trambak Ahire.’ Sir Gangadhar Trambak Ahire was the chief Guest of the program. He started his speech by sharing his views about constitution and its acceptance in Today’s world. He also spoke about law. He did not forget to mention the importance of INDIAN constitution in the world Ranking. He also shared his prompt views about secularism, He concluded his speech by giving the information about the Novels and books written by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Followed by Ahire sir, A quiet knowledgeable speech was Delivered by Dr. kharate sir. The Ritual of Thanks giving was accomplished by NSS volunteer Komal. The short and knowledgeable programme was concluded by NSS volunteers by singing the “Rashtrageet”.
Ganesh Idols Collection
The NSS unit of Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre, Nasik performed the activity of “Ganesh murti sankalan” on Anant Chaturdashi, 19th Sept. 2021 at Godavari ghat, Dasak, Nashik road. Permission for the same was seeked from the Nasik road police station. The students and staff of NSS unit gathered at Godavari ghat at 10:00 am and selected a place to collect Ganesh idols. The devotees gathered on the ghat to bid farewell to their bappa.While the NSS volunteers appealed them to donate Ganesh idol instead of immersing them in the river water. All the nirmalya was being collected in a container. There was good response of divotees for the appeal to save environment. At the end of the day hundred and twenty idols were collected which the students then handed over to MNC personnel respectfully. The festival, among the states most patronized, was celebrated in low-key manner amid several restrictions in place due to the coronavirus pandemic.
CORONA WORRIOR at various vaccination centers
The NSS unit of Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre, Nasik performed the activity of CORONA WARRIORS at NMC Scholl no.64 vihitgoan Nashik and Panchank hospital, dasak, Nashik. There are eleven students are selected for this work out of which the four student are from Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre, Nasik. There are the four students out of which two students placed at NMC school no.64 vihitgaon Nashik and two students placed at Panchak hospital dasak, Nashik. The student working as an online registration process work, tablet distribution work and manual registration work. The student of Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre namely Ms. Pooja Baste and Mr. Komal Baste are worked at BOTCO vaccination center for two month and ten days. For this fabulous work students are awarded from the commissioner of Nashik Mr. Kailas Jadhav and Deputy Medical Officer Mrs. Salunkhe and Nagargoje. There are seven students are awarded from the Nashik District.
Tree Plantation July 2021
7th July 2021, Tree plantation program is conducted at Matoshri Asarabai English medium School and Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre with the permission of the Principal Dr. G. K. Kharate. At this occasion Mr. Shailenra Sonar Head Master, Matoshri Asarabai English medium School, NSS Program Officer Mrs. A. B. Gaikwad, Departmental NSS Coordinators Mr. Vivek Aranke, Mr. Bhagwan Bodke, Mr. Yuvraj Khadke, Mr. Nitin Aher and many staff from Matoshri college of engineering and research centre was present. On this occasion various tress are planted such as Coconut, Gulmohar, Peepal, Neem, Jackfruit etc.
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International Yoga Day June 2021
On 21st June 2021, Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre Nashik Celebrated International day of Yoga in the campus, On this occasion Chief guest Mr. Vijay Hakey, Yoga Trainer Er. Varun Dabke, Principal Dr. G. Kharate, Vice Principal Dr. V. H. Patil, All HODs, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff was present. New Yoga Hall inaugurated by Chief Guests. Mr. Vijay Hakey told the importance of Yoga and Need of Yoga during Covid Pandemic. Er. Varun Dabake helped all to perform Pranayam and Meditation. Dr. G. K. Kharate, Principal welcomed the guest, Anchoring done by ms. Kunjal Jane and vote of thanks given by Mr. Somnath Hadpe.
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Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav
Essay writing competition, Seminar on independence of India, Cycle rally (Odha village to Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre Nashik, Salute to Martyr soldiers and Conclusion of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav Program
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Woman’s day Celebration - 2021
Guest and Speaker: Prof. Jayashri R. Bagul. (G.M.D. Arts, B.W. Commerce and Science College)
She proposed to various theories regarding gender equality is important in social society. She said, from many years we are taking about gender equality and women’s empowerment still in rural areas focus is required on women’s Education and Freedom. She also told many things about the completely ignored community i.e Third gender. She told how many problems those people facing in our community. Also she told about their characteristics. Finally she told that we as community should stop gender discrimination and support women, third genders and all the people of community.
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Celebration Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Jayanti
“Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Jayanti” was celebrated in Matoshri college of Engineering and Research Center, Eklahare, Nashik under NSS Activities. Principal Dr. G. K. Kharate, Vice Principal and Head of Computer department Dr.Varsha Patil, All HODs and staff members were present for function. Student from S.E. Computer Department Mr. Rohan Phatangare told about the achievements and struggled life of Savitribai Phule. Also Dr. D. D. Ahire, Assistant professor from E&TC Department told about how Savitribai Phule stood up for the girls education. Later Principal Dr.G. K. Kharate expressed his views on Savitibai Phule.
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Yuva Saptah: Thoughts of Swami Viveknand and Today’s Youth
The Guest talked about Vivekananda’s earlier life history also she told about his speech in Shikago conference and thoughts on spirituality and Hinduism. Also she added the massage of Vivekananda for today’s youth. Finally all participants taken the oath of…….
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Celebration of Constitution day
Matoshri college of Engineering and Research centre Ekalhare Nashik arranged a guest lecture on constitution day to make students and staff aware of their rights under constitution.The guest speaker was Prof. Swati Gaikwad. (Asst. Prof. College of Agriculture, RBCA wardha). She discussed various rules and rights under constitution which was laid by the father of constitution Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. She informed spectators that how Dr. B. R. Ambedkar laid the various rules and rights for women considering women’s safety. She also insisted to read the books related to constitution for proper understanding of rules and rights.
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Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
In this program firstly pledge was taken by all participants. After that Mr. Vivek Aranke told about work done by Iron man Sardar Vallabhbai Patel to unite Indian States, and then told about national integrity of India. Event was coordinated by Mrs. A. B. Gaikwad.
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Dakshta Jagruti Saptah
The guest spoke on the eradication of corruption happening from the day of birth till end of life. Which may knowingly or unknowingly that could be casual for some but it is a form of corruption itself. The speaker pointed out very small ways which encourages corruption. That could allowing students to cheat, bribing Policemen while breaking traffic rule, bribing Government servants, to issue document etc. Considering as a Moral duty one should stop doing false activities at personal ends and discouraging people who fearlessly do corruption.
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Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
On the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti, Students were appealed to plant at least one tree at home or in the form or in the home yard.
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