Electrical Engineering is one of the oldest and core branch of engineering that deals with the design, development and commercial applications confined to electrical energy. From light bulbs and television to cell phones and GPS, modern advances in electrical engineering have illuminated, informed, and connected the world. Electrical engineers can also be considered as an inventor of modern society and are at the forefront of emerging technologies.
There are many domains of Electrical Engineering like Power System, Electrical Machines, Control System, Industrial drives and control, PLC and SCADA, Smart grid, Electrical and hybrid vehicle, Electrical traction and many more.
As per the recent scenario, there is an increased demand of Electrical Engineers across the globe. The necessity of electricity has increased in recent years. This increase in requirement of electricity is offering large number of opportunities to Electrical Engineers. Electrical Engineers can opt for power and energy sector including: hydro, thermal, atomic power plants, solar etc.
There are plentiful job prospects in both private and public/govt. sectors such as: Production plants, Design industries, Petroleum industry, Natural gas plants, Railways, Civil aviation, Electricity board, Utility companies, Electrical design and Consultancy firms and all types of manufacturing industries. Beside these abundant job opportunities, the electrical engineering students can join various research institutions and research and development labs. Electrical engineering is a practical discipline with a plethora of great career opportunities.