
Matoshri Education Society's

Matoshri College of Engineering & Research Centre, Eklahare, Nashik

An Autonomous Institute

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, College Code:5177

Examination Redressal Committee

Examination committee is constituted for the smooth conduction, monitor and to solve grievances of students related to examination.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • The Examination Committee shall circulate the Circular, Guideline, Notification received by the University to the concerned Departments / Students.
  • The Exam section shall distribute the Exam Forms of the University to the students and collect them back after having them duly filled in. After verification, forward the same to the University within the stipulated time period.
  • To ensure proper organization of university practical and theory examination as per academic calendar and university schedule including appointment of examiners, internal squad, display of the time table.
  • The Exam Committee shall prepare and circulate an overall supervision duty list as well as supervision duty chart to teaching and non teaching staff.
  • The Examination Committee shall make the Block and seating arrangement and display them on the concerned Notice Board.
  • The Exam Committee shall ensure that adequate stationery, like answer sheets, drawing sheets, charts, graph paper, drawing boards, trays, threads, water jugs etc. are made available.
  • Distribution of marks lists to the students after the results of various examinations received from the University.
  • The Exam Committee shall resolve grievances of students related to examination.
The Composition of Exam Committee
  1. The principal of the Institute is chairman of the committee.
  2. One senior faculty of the institute is college examination officer (as per university guidelines).
  3. One faculty member from each department as a member.
  4. One non teaching staff (student section) as a member secretary.
# Name Designation Mobile No. Email Photo
1 Dr. G. K. Kharate Chairman 9604788280 gkkharate@rediffmail.com
2 Dr. Devidas D. Dighe Controller of Examination 9604030007 devidas.dighe@matoshri.edu.in
3 Mr. R. R. Kshatriya Asst. College Examination Officer 9403277555 rahul.kshatriya@matoshri.edu.in
4 Dr. R. M. Gawande Online Examination Officer 9420628218 ranjit.gawande@matoshri.edu.in
5 Mr. M. T. Dhande Online Examination In-charge 9960424692 mahesh.dhande@matoshri.edu.in
6 Mr. B. S. Bodke Member 9967529800 bhagwan.bodke@matoshri.edu.in
7 Ms. Jyoti N. Vadje Member 9637748777 jyoti.vadje@matoshri.edu.in
8 Mr. Anil E. Jagtap Member 9011950025 anil.jagtap@matoshri.edu.in
9 Mr. Yogesh K. Mogal Member 8087704913 yogesh.mogal@matoshri.edu.in
10 Mr. Mohammad Khan Member 9689477769 salim.khan@matoshri.edu.in
11 Mrs. Savita Deshmukh Member 9657723266 savita.deshmukh@matoshri.edu.in
12 Mr. Nitin Kumavat Member Secretary 8830940073 nitin.kumavat@matoshri.edu.in